伊戈尔 Silva

Meet 伊戈尔 Silva, who not only found the technical training 和 development opportunities to excel in 他的。 role 在国际空间站, but the feeling of connection 和 belonging critical to 他的。 well-being 和 success.

伊戈尔 长大 in a small city in Brazil. Growing up, he always curious to 学习 物理mathematics underst和 more about the universe. T他的。 differed from 他的。 traditional f家庭 upbringing, where religion 是 more important,伊戈尔 believed he couldn’t 遵循 他的。 passions as 自由 as he 想要.

When 伊戈尔 was 14,他的 mother passed away 和 it 是 a tough ad只是ment for as he shut down emotionally, while his performance at school suffered. Still grieving, 和 struggling in an unsupportive environment, 伊戈尔 avoided pursuing a career he forgot about 许多 他的。 dreams 和 interests.

An opportunity to start fresh came when he 是 21 years 老了, he decided to come to London to join 他的。 girlfriend to 开始 他的。 studies in electronic engineering. His first role at 国际空间站 是 as a 清洁ing operative, 和 he considered t他的。 as temporary while he pursued 他的。 studies.

It is not only the support I have from 国际空间站 professionally, but the way they treat me as a human being.

伊戈尔 Silva, Technical Energy Manager

It 不是 long before 伊戈尔 学习ed th在国际空间站 had much more to offer, but professionally as well as personally. 伊戈尔 是 fortunate enough to have a supportive team of colleagues 和 new friends who allowed 他 to open up 和 explore 他的。 new home 和 all the opportunities it had to offer 他. He 学习ed English 是 introduced to other departments 和 greater professional development.

国际空间站 没有 只是 provide technical training 和 the chance to 学习 new skills, it fostered a feeling of connection 和 belonging, which 是 critical to 伊戈尔 当他 continued to 茁壮成长 和 assimilate to 他的。 surroundings.

Upon graduation, 伊戈尔 received multiple job offers. 然而, he chose to remain 与 国际空间站, because he 是 drawn to 它的。 opportunities 和 , including 国际空间站’ focus on en能力 employees to be their authentic selves. He encouraged 和 provided the freedom to 遵循 他的。 true passion in science 当他 工作ed through the ranks of 各种各样的 engineering positions 在国际空间站. This support 和 acceptance of 他的。 colleagues prepared 他 for 他的。 new role today.

Now my dream is to give the opportunity to others as well. I can see that it's not about what I can get, but the journey.

伊戈尔 Silva, Technical Energy Manager